Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Procrastination Rules Once More!

To all my readers,

Gee, time flies! Without realizing time passes by so quickly, my last post was actually made 21st Nov! That was more than 3 weeks ago since i posted an article! My sincere apology to all my readers who came in either on a regular or ad-hoc basis!

Well, it's a sad fact of procrastination ruling the mind once more.....(i thought I have tried hard getting rid of this bad disease but it comes again to haunt me once more!). Actually, i wanted to inform you all that I would be taking a 2 week break due to my winter vacation in Japan. Then i thought about why not spend a bit of time posting some articles when i was in Japan....there goes the thoughts and that never happened! In fact, i barely had time to look at my emails throughout the trip! It was simply fun packed all the way that i simply had no time or "energy" left for blogging at the end of each day when i was in Japan!

One thing about Japan that fascinates me is the common sight of vending machines at almost any site of town, including inside hotel, pathways, roads and of course shopping centers. Its vending machines sells almost anything from soft drinks, juices, vitamin drinks, coffee, tea to alcoholic beverages, cup noodle and cigarettes! For drinks, both hot and cold option is easily available. Even coffee maker machines (such as the likes of Starbuck coffee) are available! After doing some research, i realize that Japan has the most number of vending machines in the world, with an estimated one vending machine over estimated 23 people (statistics according to the Japan Vending Machine Manufacturers Association). With over 127 million population, the number of vending machines would work out to be around 6 million units!

Vending machine is indeed a great source of passive income! Outsource the maintenance to third party and all one needs to do is to collect the coins and roll into the bank!

However, in some countries (particularly less developed or developing countries), vending machines may subject to severe abuse or vandalism.

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